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Re: RE: re: Max RPM

Subject: Re: RE: re: Max RPM
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 09:39:10 PST
     Ernest asks about A-series Spridgets;

>     What RPM limits do you use?

>     >>Redcar has a 1275 with stock internals, (details deleted)

Thanks - the question I didn't ask (but should have) was for the road race
fiends who actually sustain a high RPM.  The devil in me wants to know if 6K
RPM was imposed by aerodynamics, breathing capacity or the desire to drive
Redcar home?  Put another way, will Redcar turn more than 6K under any load
(other than w/the clutch pushed in, of course)?  

     >> 6K in top gear is as fast as I feel comfortable
     going given the car and road conditions, which are good
     and bad, respectively. With the gear/tire size combo I
     run in La Carrera, 6K translates to ~ 100mph, which on
     a tight-spung short wheelbase car with limited
     suspension travel on a pothole filled surface, well
     let's just say it keeps you alert.
          Going hard up thru the gears however, I shift
     between 6000-6500, just cause it feels like it's
     running out of steam. Plus I want my $200 motor to last  
     as long as possible ..... ;-)
LaCarrera in an LBC.  Hmmmm.

     >>There have been a few in the years I've been doing it;  
     Jag XJS & MkII sedans, Bugeye (!), Big Healeys (1 crashed 
     :-(, oh, and I can't forget Scott Fisher in the Green
     Car, 1994. Viva La Flecha Magica !!!


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