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My TR6 ate its fan

Subject: My TR6 ate its fan
From: Joe Flake <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 17:43:23 EST
I posted a version of this a few days ago, but it must have been
lost in the mail problems Mark had over the weekend...

Anyway, over the weekend my TR6 got taken out for a drive and proceeded
to spit fan blades out on the street.  It makes an awfull noise, but is
hard to spot under the hood if the engine happens to stop with the
missing "teeth" down.

What would make it do this?  I can't see evidence of it hitting the
radiator (thank goodness) or other solid objects.  It lost about 5
blades in one area and 1 blade in another.  From catalogs and shop
books it appears the fan is supposed to mount to a crank extension
which is held in position on the crank by two pins and a center bolt.
My fan turns; much like the viscous clutch fans on many new cars.
Could I have sheered the pins when a blade hit something?  I'd expect
a plastic fan blade to give, but not a metal locating pin (actually
two of them!).  It's not apart yet since the instructions begin
with "remove the radiator".  Just to get to a few bolts at the
front of the engine -- bummer!

Also, does anybody have a spare TR6 fan?  Seems the later version (red,
with 13? blades) is not made now as a new part, and not just laying
around in piles in junkyards.  I've started the calling process, but
if anyone has a spare they want to get rid of...


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