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Re: Rebuild surprise and questions

Subject: Re: Rebuild surprise and questions
From: (John R Dombey)
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 08:53:25 PST

Jim Brannan writes:

(paraphrased to save BW)

> 1. Aren't gaskets good enough by themselves?

Not in my experience.  I have yet to get an LBC gasket to seal without
some type of goo on it.  Ignore permatex, and go for the blue RTV or the
copper stuff.  I have had nothing but good luck with them.  My TR6 engine
doesn't leak oil anymore!  (and yes, it has some in it... I checked!) 

> 2. Timing cover blob 'o crud.  What, why etc?

I scraped mine off thinking it was 23 years accumulation of oil and dirt.
When it came off in one piece I thought 'oops'.  I just repainted the 
cover (it looks better without it...) and have not noticed any additional
noise (yeah, right.  As if the thing was silent when new).  The blob appeared
to be fibrous, sort of like a cross between Bondo and fiberglass.  I wouldn't
lose any sleep over it.

> 3. Exhaust manifold paint:  

Who knows?  I've never heard any good experiences with high temp paint...

> 4. Clutch cross shaft tapered bolt.

I had one of these shear off, but it broke far enough down that I could
work the fork off the shaft, then poke it out.  The shaft has a through-hole
in it, and the recommended (I forget where or who) method is to drill a small
hole through the web of the fork, and drive the piece out.  You can't rotate
the shaft enough to get an easy-out or drill into the bolt-hole.  Drilling
through the web isn't supposed to have any effect structurally on the fork.
[WARNING:  Bad ASCII Graphics to follow...]

                   drill here
                 ___  |        ___
                |  _] |       [_  |
                | |   |         | | Clutch Fork           
                | |   |         | |
                | |   |         | |
                \  \  V        /  /
                 \  \_________/  /
           _______|             |________
                  |  ||         |
           _______|  ||         |________ Cross shaft
                 Tapered bolt

Anybody else remember seeing this?  It was probably in a Moss or TRF newsletter
a few years ago.  If the bolt is sheared close to the shaft, maybe you can 
break enough of it off by forcing the fork to rotate on the shaft to shear off
any bits sticking out.  Cutting the shaft should be the last resort (not to
mention not being easy...)  Before resorting to this, get a new tapered bolt
and compare it with the piece you took out to see how much is still in there.

Hope this generates light, not heat...


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