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Re: Blowing Spitfire exhaust manifolds (Simon Waddington)

Subject: Re: Blowing Spitfire exhaust manifolds (Simon Waddington)
From: (Robert G Palmer)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 10:14:17 -0500 (EST)
Simon writes:
> Does any one have experience of Spitfire head exhaust manifold gaskets 
> blowing?  I bought a 1500 in July and the gasket was blowing then. 
> After replacing it it went after six weeks, the one after that has 
> just started blowing again!
> I've heard rumours that this is a design fault in the exhaust top pipe. 
> Does anyone  
> know a) if this is true, b) if so what can I do, c) if not what 
> else might be wrong.  

I've had a Spit 1500 for about 6 years now.  I have pulled the intake/
exhaust manifold twice without replacing the manifold gasket (really a
no-no, but on a students budget what can you do?)  I've never had it 
blow.  It has LEAKED a few times -- the problem has always been that
the manifold bolts were loose (not enough to tell without a torque wrench).
I just re-torqued them and the problem disappeared.

Hope this helps.

Robert Palmer, Jr.                                  Purdue University                              317-494-3750

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