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Anyone going to Chattanooga this weekend?

To: (SOL),
Subject: Anyone going to Chattanooga this weekend?
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 7:59:55 CST
Anybody else out there in netland going to the Southern British 
Weekend this weekend (Nov 5 & 6) in Chattanooga?  I'll be there on 
Saturday, ogling.  If the weather is decent, I'll be wearing my SOL
t-shirt.  Drop me some mail if you plan on going, maybe we can meet
up.  For the local Hsv SOLs, I have some flyers for the event; also,
I'll e-mail info to anyone who requests it.
See you there!
T.J. Higgins     |         | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA

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