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Jaguars: Front Page of the WC Wall Street Journal

To: <>
Subject: Jaguars: Front Page of the WC Wall Street Journal
Date: 29 SEP 93 12:04
  Well, all you Jag owners were immortalized on the front page of the
West Coast edition of the Wall Street Journal this morning! The several-
column article was all about how a Jag ain't a Jag unless it's an
imperfect Jag. The theory being that a dependable Jag is no fun.
 Oh, the calumnie!
 Oh, the perfidity!
 Oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth is the pen of the WSJ!

 It's true, though, isn't it? As it is with all LBC's!
 Of course, it's going to shoot new Jag sales all to &%$^#@!

 In this week's Orange County Register:
 '75 XJ 4.2 Transmission problem, good engine. $1500 (714) 828-8953
 '66 Jaguar XKE coupe. Good condition, White/Red $10,000 obo (714) 968-2765

       "Happiness is driving a car old enough and open enough
        that even driving the speed limit is a thrill!"
*Philippe Tusler - El Toro, CA             "MILOU"    '57 MGA Roadster *
*A-Mail:   <TUSLER@MP050>                  "TINTIN"   '66 MG/MGB-GT    *
*InterNet:   "N/A"      '88 ISUZU Trooper*

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