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Current leak debug issue.

Subject: Current leak debug issue.
From: (Hedie Kamoun)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 13:37:30 +0100
Hello Brit-car-lovers,
        I have a problem I'd like to run by the collective wisdom of this news-
group. Last January when I had my MGB shipped from the US to Sweden, the
people (bozos) responsible for putting the car on the boat had problems getting 
it started, and in their caothic minds (and lack of enthusiasm?) they tried 
every-thing and anything to get it on board disregarding any advice I had 
given them over the phone e.g  "In this particular car the black battery cable 
goes to positive pole ...". 

        Well to make a long story short I ended up with a car whose electrical 
system was in total havoc, burned cables and a fried alternator. Despite of 
quite an effort to recable and replace faulty components my battery still gets 
discharged over a timespan of a couple of days of non-running.


1. How do I troubleshoot an internal short in the starter motor/solenoid.
   Is this even a possible candidate for draining the battery.

2. I put in a new diode in the alternator and the "local expert" had a look 
   at it and said it seems OK? I don't know... is there an easy way of checking 
   the continuity of the windings in the alternator without dismantling the en-
   tire starter.

3. Any help or advise on troubleshooting car-electronics very welcome, is there
   perhaps by any chance a FAQ-list? I know there are a few postings on topics
   of general interest on the mailserver, but is there anything on autoelectro-

Thanks in advance
        Best Regards Hedie
                Hedie Kamoun

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