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The return of the Mini

Subject: The return of the Mini
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 9:24:00 -0700 (MST)
Watched a segment on CNN yesterday that documented the enthusiasm
that Rover's new, original-style Minis are generating.  Among other
things, they mentioned that the new convertable version costs the
equivalent of $18K, which does seem a little steep.

They had a few brief sound bites from a Rover rep, in a setting I
instantly recognized as the show floor of the Heritage Motor Centre.
I could see the yellow, last-one-produced Spitfire 1500 behind him.

Speaking of Spits, would anyone be interested in an early (Mk I) 
Spitfire for $1900?  I passed one on the street yesterday.  It looks
quite nice, but I haven't called the guy yet.  Body looked good,
(passenger door needed to be rehung), and it was driving around nice
as you please.  If it's in good condition as it looks, and it is a
Mk I (it might possibly have been a II, but definitely not a III),
that sounds like a fair price.  Don't have the number handy, but
if anyone writes me I'll post it tomorrow.

- Dan

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