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wind in your hair, and daren in your face

Subject: wind in your hair, and daren in your face
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 93 10:02:11 PDT
     In direct contrast to the recent (far too serious)
     banter about thermodynamics, I offer this -

          This morning on my commute I noticed an interesting
     thing; I counted 11 convertibles (mine included), all
     (excepting me :-) with the tops up. I always try to
     ask these people what type of a day are you waiting for
     to put that top down, but I usually don't get an
     answer. The weather was mild and beautiful, perfect for
     tops down commuting. Of course right now I look like I
     combed my hair with an eggbeater, but hey, that's
     expected. Maybe that's it, they were trying to avoid
     having a Bad Hair Day. Hmmmm. I know this is a kinda
     obtuse post, but I'm tired of reading about overheating
     and the coffee & cold medicine I had for breakfast are
     giving me a surreal perspective on things right now.
          FYI, the tops up commuting convertible count on
     the 101 this morning (if anyone cares), was;

     Miatas         3
     Fiat Spiders   2  
     Alfa Spiders   2
     Jag XJS        1
     BMW325         1
     Mercedes 450   1

                  Daren "tops down till it rains" Stone

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  • wind in your hair, and daren in your face, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=