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Re: Message Router VMSmail Gateway nondelivery notification

Subject: Re: Message Router VMSmail Gateway nondelivery notification
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 93 09:18:41 -0700
Please please folks.  Those of yopu who get the digest, PLEASE do not reply
attaching the whole digest to your reply.  I't a pain to have to scroll
through those puppies.  I have received 2 of them so far today (along with
a large number of dplicate messages), and have been getting them fairly
frequently lately.  When I got back from the Portland All British Field Meet,
there were 8 full length coppies of digests sitting in my cue.

I don't even subscribe to the digest.  So please I have other things I need to
be doing with my time.


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