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Re: Hi I'm Back

Subject: Re: Hi I'm Back
From: megatest!bldg2fs1! (Scott Fisher)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 18:00:12 PDT
> HI I'm back.

Hey, John!  Welcome back!  When I didn't read about you in the paper
("Small pickup truck and old British sports car abducted by aliens
in Nevada desert"), I figured you'd arrived safely, but it's good to
hear you made it.

> decided it was ready to go road racing. Sunday september 25th
> became 'D' day or 'R' day if you prefer. 

Hmmmm.  Maybe those aliens DID abduct you and you're posting from
a time warp, right?  (Was it maybe Sun Sept 5?  From where I sit,
the 25th is still eleven days off...)

That would be great -- Labor Day Weekend `91 was my first race in that
car too!

> in heaven. Finally race time 7 lapps a broken throttle spring
> (good thing these British cars have more than one), 

That's new!  I had one of the float bowls work loose and spill gas
on the header.  THAT was exciting, especially realizing that I had
left the safety pin in the fire system release!

> 9 more laps
> loose front wheel(Hey these lugnut things don't tighten
> themselves like my other MG), 

Been there, done that.  For me, the right rear wheel came OFF. I
had lots of warning, so I'd slowed way down, pulled right, pointed
people by, and then the wheel passed me in 8A at Sears.  I pointed
the car up a gentle hill, figuring that I was going slowly enough
that the slope would stop me.  It did.  I sat at the corner station
with a couple of buddies and waited for the hook.  (The dent in the
fuel cell's outer skin, BTW, was from the hooker putting the cradle
of the truck under the back end of the car, in case I never explained
that, John. :-)

> 12 more laps Hey what's that
> scraping noise,.... oil my cars supposed to lose oil.... oops I
> guess I do needed that harmonic balancer.  Including the break
> downs  we had one HE!!!L of a good time and got to bang fenders
> with a lot of fine British mettle. 

Well, with luck I'll have the rest of that car -- the motor -- making 
noise sometime next month.  BTW, anyone who'd like to help me edit a
book on hypertext and multimedia, or whose company would like to 
contribute advice or expertise on the subject of authoring multimedia
documents, is hereby invited to reply to me.  I deliver the copy in 
three weeks or so, and it's serious.  (It must be, it's why the green
car isn't working yet...)

Glad to hear you're back on the net, John, and keep the shiny side
up!  (Though as Danny can attest, the underside of that car should be
pretty shiny too, as it was Dan Dasaro who cleaned it so I could
paint it nice gloss grey...)


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