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Re: Portland ABFM

Subject: Re: Portland ABFM
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 09:35:57 -0700
Well Its thursday morning and I just got back from Portland All British Field 
Meet.  As always, I had a wonderful time, enjoyed all the nice people,
met some SOL types I have only seen on the screen before, and saw a number of
cars that do not make it down into my area.

I brought my Land Rover & dog Bear to the event.  Everyone loved Bear & some
even thought the Land ROver was OK.  As always, the North West Land Rover
clubs Sat evening bash & camp out was great.  This time there was some
excellent Home brew beer.

There were two Land Rover 110s, one of which was a '93 that an English couple
were touring the US with.  They have been living out of the 110 for 5 months

There was a nice row of TR3s, all in factory colours & looking pristine.
There were more Stags than I'm used to seeing at one event.
I didn't see John's Europa nor Miq's bugeye.

There were about half the cars there than I was used to seeing.  I guess the
depression kept a lot of people at home.

Saturday was the car display, and autojumble.  Sunday the autojumble continued,
and there was an autocross, rally and a gimic course. Sunday morning, a Spit
broke an axle on the autocross.  The owner picked up parts at the autojumble
and had the car running before the end of the day.  On the 
last run group, the person who organized the autocross blew something that 
like the engine at the end of his second round in a series I E-Type roadster.

All & all, I had a wonderful time.  I picked up some ideas about things to do
to the Land Rover to make it a better camping vehical without sacrificing
the Land Rover look & feel and its usefulness for hauling firewood or making
a dump run.  The MGB people were into mild customizing and i decided a MGBGT
looks quite a bit nicer without its badges, bumper overryders, and side trim.
The TR3 people looked like sticklers for originality only better than new 
finish.  I hope I don't get hooted off the field if I ever bring my TR3A back
in non-TR3 colour, DCOEs, electric fan, etc.

I just wish the Palo Alto meet had some more life into it.  I guess it just
lacks the Portland Jag group organizing it.

If you have not been to the Portland All British Field Meet, mark your
caladars for the next Labour day weekend.


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