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RE: Silcone brake fluid

To: (british cars)
Subject: RE: Silcone brake fluid
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 12:47:03 MDT
This article just adds more support to my own personal experiences with DOT5
fluid.  I have converted nearly all of my vehicles to DOT5 and have not
experienced any of the problems that have been mentioned in the past on this
list.  Including any problems with heavy break use such as in autox.

I do agree with the article that the best way to use DOT5 is onlyu if you are
completely rebuilding the system.  I have mixed DOT5 and DOT3 in emergencies and
it works but I have also quickly done a complete rebuild.

I have yet to find any cons to DOT5 except maybe the cost of doing the rebuild
inorder to use it.  But even that is countered by the increadibly extended life
of the parts.

I suspect as the author of the article does that most of the DOT5 failures and
reported problems have been from improper use.
Kevin Spooner                                  
The Sports Works of Greeley
Specializing in Triumphs and British Sports Cars                                                      


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