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mgb differential noise

Subject: mgb differential noise
From: Mark Schmitz <SCHMITZ@B0PY04.FNAL.GOV>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 16:25:30 -0500 (CDT)
   After failing the emmissions test for the third time, I was
forced to take my 79 MGB to a serious car clinic for a low emissions
tune-up.  My B was stripped of its air pump by the prevous owner so
I had my doubts it would ever pass the low idle C0 regulation.  

   The mechanic changed the points and tweaked the carb to achieve the
lowest emissions, then told me to remove the vacuum advance just before
taking the test.  Low and behold it now passes.  I also used the HEET
method I read about a few weeks ago.  Every little bit helps.

  The next problem involves a low frequency humming coming from
the differential (RUM-RUM-RUM) audible only when the top is up. It sounds 
like the ring/pinon gears aren't meshing properly but many people have 
told me to just turn up the radio and not worry. Any help on this topic 
is greatly appreciated.

Mark Schmitz - Fermilab, Batavia, Ill

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