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Fuel Floats and Bourdon Tub

To: "British Cars" <>
Subject: Fuel Floats and Bourdon Tub
From: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 1 Sep 1993 11:57:27 U
                       Subject:                               Time:11:46 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          Fuel Floats and Bourdon Tubes          Date:9/1/93
The plastic fuel gauge float sonds just in my XJ12, and yes, the coiled wire
cuts a hole in it. I emptied the gas out, used a small soldering iron to melt
the plastic and close up the hole, bent the sharp end of the wire away from the
float, and installed it the other way round. The round seal and rotating ring
also sound like Jaguar.

I always thought the Smith's Bourdon tube temperature gauge bulbs were filled
with an inert gas like Argon. I believe Nisonger Corp. in New York(?) can
refill these. They operate by the Ideal Gas Law.......PV=mRT

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