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Re: More Troubleshootin' & Commutin'

To:, Scott.Currier@Ceram.COM
Subject: Re: More Troubleshootin' & Commutin'
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 12:20:53 PDT
     Brian Wertz sheds some light on my humorous mobile
     diagnosis on no brakes lights on Redcar;

>  I believe you just met Bob Pease, a staff scientist at National.
>He has a regular column in _Electronic_Design_ magazine.  Try
>snagging a copy of the mag at Intel.  There is a picture of him with
>the column.  I believe that Bob carries a set of these signs around
>with him in his bug.  If it was him, you were added to an annual tally
>of cars that he encounters without brake lights.
>   He also lists a postal address to reach him at National, if you
>wish to inquire further...
>Brian Wertz 

     And Scott Currier adds to it;

Bob Pease's regular article is called "Pease Porrige"  You can find it
on page 93 of the August issue of Electronic Design.

Daren,  Did the driver have a big beard and mustache? He (Bob Pease) will be 
at the E.D. booth at IDEA/Wescon in San Francisco on  September 28-30 
(Moscone Center) if you want to identify him :-)

     >>Yes the driver of the tatty beige bug that held up a
     sign reading "YOU HAVE NO BRAKE LIGHTS" did have a big
     bushy beard & mustache. Kinda looked like a woolly
     Santa Claus. And no, I don't think I'll look him up at
     Moscone Center. Instead I think I'll just make up a
     NOW" for the next time I drive the Sprite in. :-)
          I thought I was stuck yesterday when I started
     calling around for an original (screw terminal) brake
     light switch for the Sprite, as every place I called
     indicated the original style was expensive and
     backordered (as opposed to the spade style which was
     cheap & plentiful). I finally lucked onto a used one at
     British Motorsports for a good price and now have a
     borrowed Eezi-bleed sitting on my desk to do the job
     right this weekend. Always something, but I wouldn't
     have it any other way ..... ;-)


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