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[no subject]

From: Peter Kootsookos <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 8:47:20 EST
Hi Nick,

Re: Your TR6

=> 3. Is it easier/cheaper to rebuild the steering rack or buy the whole
=> TRF rebuilt rack?

Is there a reason for doing this?

=> 4. If what I want is simply good suspension, (will not be racing
=> Tilley at all!), should I simply get the regular rubber bushings, or
=> should I get the nylock/plastic bushings?  In other words, to get good
=> suspension and steering, do I need to upgrade to "high-performance"
=> suspension components?

About 4 years ago I redid my front suspension using the standard rubbers,
and I had to replace them just recently... I wanted to get more life out of
them, so the TR-people (club and mechanic) suggested using the plastic
(urethane?) bushes instead.

=> 5. A related question, should I replace the springs with high-perf
=> springs, or stick to stock?  (I am planning on replacing front shocks
=> with the Koni's, and the springs... I just can't believe that 21 year
=> old original springs/shocks are still anygood)  Do I need to replace
=> the rear lever arm shocks, or can I rebuild them?

Don't harden the rear springs at all if you are sticking with the lever
arm shocks.  The '6 a friend of mine bought had really hard rear springs,
which made the car really difficult to handle in slowish (i.e. legal
speeds) bumps.

=> (Tilley is really looking nice, and running well, after her detailing...
=> albeit, the steering is loose and the front/rear ends are NOT pointing
=> the same direction...)

Oh the joys of motoring!


Peter K.


/                                                                           \
| Peter Kootsookos, Senior Research Assoc.,  | E-mail:|
| Interdisciplinary Engineering Program,     | Phone : +61 6 249 4880       |
| Australian National University,            | Fax   : +61 6 249 0506       |
| Canberra, ACT 0200                         |                              |
|                                                                           |
|  If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to     |
|  invent it.                                                               |

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