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Re: Silicon Grease (used on burns)

Subject: Re: Silicon Grease (used on burns)
From: "Iain (I.) Woolf" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 10:47:15 +0000
As far as using silicon grease (or anything else) on burns goes,
please be aware that if the burn is so bad that you will need to go to
hospital then *ONLY* cold water should be put on the burn(s).
Hospitals will just scrub (yes, scrub) off any creams put on burns.

Lots of ice cold water and plenty of it is proported to be the best
for heat and acid burns alike. (Although I do not doubt the previous
poster's claim of relief with silicone grease - I'm just saying don't
put it on anything too major).

I've been receiving and reading the britcars digest for a couple of
weeks now and worked out what 'lbc' is (little british car, right?)
but I am still stumped by 'sol' ('Son of Larry', 'saggy or limp',
'sort of lazy', etc. don't seem to fit the contexts) - could someone
enlighten this newcomer? (And what is the design on all this sol
merchandise everyone is going on about?)

Great list. Thanks,

   Iain.      ------.         _________________________________________.
     ______../____\/_\.      / Iain Woolf, BNR | email:   |
   ,~~. --.  |`--= ,==.\    /  Maidenhead UK   | #include<disclamer.h> |
  (/  \`.  ) |    |/  \\\  /\  (0628) 794537 or esn 590-4537(internal) |
   \__/  `'-------'\__/ ~~'  `-----------------------------------------'

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