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Re: Like a pig in mud :-)

To:, ""
Subject: Re: Like a pig in mud :-)
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 14:40:26 -0500
I have never been able to remove the oil filter cannister from my TR250.
I am convinced the car was built around it, and only with some degree
of disassembly will it come out.


From Tue Sep 11 11:42:21 2001
From: (Roger Garnett)
To: Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET@CC, (British Cars)
Date:         18 Aug 93 15:42:12 
Subject:      Re: Gearoil for spitfidget 1500 gearbox

They're the same box, but you can't always trust manuals. (You mean you
didn't get the automatic update and service bulletin service from BL?)

Manufacturers reccommendations sometimes change, and it seems I remember BL
changing some, and even changing some back again through the years.

Gear Oil- excerpt from Jack L. Poller's notes at a redline seminar.
If anyone has full specs, Lets hear 'em.
Gear oil viscosity is measured at 150 F vs. 210 F for motor oil.
Therefore, 40 W motor oil is the same as 95 W gear oil.

Gear oil is acidic, motor oil is alkiline.  Gear oil needs very high
wear protoection - Extreme Pressure (marked as EP).  Therefore, it
has a very high sulfer and phospor content.  Sulfur and Phosphate
reactions start at a lower temperature, and Gear Oil has much more
additive than motor oil.  This additive is corrosive to copper
bearings and bronze synchro rings.

Positraction additives are Friction modifiers - make the base oil much
more slippery.  They coat the metal surfaces, and prevent the
stick/slip mode of operation, preventing shudder, and causes smoother
take-up.  Friction Modifiers may detract from EP characteristics.

Friction modifiers cause smooth take-up of Limited slip units.  For
track racing, FM is probably undesireable, and immediate take-up is
more important.  For Street, FM is usually reccomended for more
comfortable operation.
Gear oils decompose at lower temperature, usually 250 F.

Gear Lubrication Ratings
GL-1 No Additives
GL-4 Suitable for light duty hypoid sets
GL-5 Has lots of sulfer - Heavy duty hypoids GL-6 Hypoid
     type gear sets have a sliding rather than rolling action, and therefore
     require much greater wear protection.
GL-5 Should be used in rear differentials.
GL-6 is a heavier weight GL-5.  Used for heavy trucks and Tow Vehicles.

Red Line 75 - 90 NS has No Slip, i.e., no Friction Modifiers.
Red Line 75 - 90 has Friction Modifiers.
Gear mesh in Gears litterally chops up and cuts appart the long
polymer chains of Viscosity Index improvers.

Smell of gear oil is from high sulfur content.
  /___  _  \    Roger Garnett            (
 /|   ||  \ \   Agricultural Economics  | "The South Lansing Centre
| |___||  _  |  3 Warren Hall           |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \  |   | |  Cornell University      | (Lansing, NY)
 \|  \ |__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522          | Safety Fast!

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  • Like a pig in mud :-), Skip Montanaro
    • Re: Like a pig in mud :-), Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626 <=