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Rubber motor mounts for 1500 midget

Subject: Rubber motor mounts for 1500 midget
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 14:26:43 EDT
|Date: 7-27-93  2:16pm
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:BITNET
|Subj: Rubber motor mounts for 1500 midget
   I thought I had fixed the problem of the motor mount vibrating
against the bolt holding it to the engine block bracket.  I thought that
turning the bolt around so the bolt head was towards the rubber would
fix it, but a week later, it's hitting again.
   I called the local LBC place and he blamed it on "taiwanese rubber
trees".  The one on the drivers side hasn't sagged at all, but the other
one is sagging real bad. Anyone else have problems of this nature?  I
hope my gearbox mounts are ok, as I can't replace in a midget with the
gearbox in the car.  (I replaced all of the rubber mounts at the same
time and bought them from the same place.)


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