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RE: Electric fan

Subject: RE: Electric fan
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 93 14:29:31 EDT
|Date: 7-9-93  2:25pm
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:INTERNET
|Subj: RE: Electric fan
   Gerry asks about fitting an electric fan to a midget 1500.

  I fitted an electric fan to my midget 1500.  Unfortunately, I put it
in front of the radiator.  I was going to put it behind the radiator
like you planned, but my experiment with just the electric fan failed
miserably.  I tried to run the car with just the electric fanpushing air
through the radiator from the front.  The car ran way hot, even with the
fan on full time.  I wasn't interested in overheating and cracking the
head, so I put the waterpump fan back on.
   I used an imperial slim-line 10" fan.  10" is all that will fit
across the radiator.  Supposedly they make a migher volume non-slimline
10" fan, but I didn't see it anywhere.
   The way I figure it, there are two explanations for the car running
hotter with just the electric fan.  The fan in front of the radiator
impedes the airflow too much or the wwater-pump fan with a clutch must
do more than I thought at 55 mph.


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