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Torque specs for MGB front suspension stuff

Subject: Torque specs for MGB front suspension stuff
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 93 13:34:36 EDT
|Date: 7-7-93  1:29pm
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:BITNET
|Subj: Torque specs for MGB front suspension stuff
    I was putting my rebuilt kingpins back on my B yesterday and I was
looking for torque specs for all the bolts (A-arm pivot, shock trunnion
and kingpin swivel).  My Haynes manual doesn't list any of these.   It
seems pretty important on these items.  I only finished one side and I
just snugged them up until they felt "right", but I'm not real happy
about not torqueing them.
    If anyone has figures for these, I would really appreciate getting


P.S. - After it was finished I should have just ordered the rebuilt ones
from TRF during their 15% off sale.  It would have ended up around $260
including a full sespension rebuild kit for both sides.  As it was, I
was trying to save some cash, but still do a thorough job.  So, I bought
the suspension/king pin kits from Special Interest for $49.98 a side and
had a local shop ream and assemble the kingpins for $150 a pair.  So in
the end, I had a big hassle with Special interest and didn't save much
money at all.  Live and learn I guess.  I was looking through a british
magazne and saw exchange kingpin/swivel axle for 25 pounds a side.  Why
does this seem to be such an expensive process in the US ?

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