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Re: Triumph vs. MG

Subject: Re: Triumph vs. MG
From: Croaker the Physician <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 09:46:22 PDT
   Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:36:25 -0400
   From: John Wroclawski <>

      From: (Roger Garnett)

      Is it marque wars time? :-)

   Nah. But while we're here, ever notice that the MG's on this list are
   named things like "Grandfather" and "The Geezer", while the TR's are
   named things like "Sarah" and "Elizabeth"? Must mean -something-..

I may only have one MG, instead of a garage full of partially assembled TRs,
but at least The Geezer runs.  Besides, if I named my car Sarah or Elizabeth,
then Rebecca would probably shoot out my tires.  *She* wants to call it some
variant of Bloody Machine That Always Leaks On Me In The Rain.

           -john, who is saving the name "Heather" for the E-type he
            imagines he will own some year..

John, what you need to do is leave LCS and move out here, where you (1) have
a chance of finding a reasonably nice one, and (2) have a chance of enjoying
it more than two months a year.


Mark L. Lambert
Architecture Group, Network Products Division
Oracle Corporation

"I drink it when I'm happy and when I'm sad.  Sometimes I drink it when I'm
alone.  When I have company I consider it obligatory.  I trifle with it if
I'm not hungry and drink it when I am.  Otherwise I never touch it...unless
I'm thirsty"

        -- Mme. Lily Bollinger, on Champagne

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