>Admittedly, 5 out of 3500 is a fairly small sample set. But I do know
>that many people are perfectly happy running unleaded. I have a GT6
>head about to go to the shop; I'm still waffling about whether or not
>to put hardened seats in (five out of six combustion chambers don't
>have any seat inserts and they all look just fine - I'm guessing that a
>PO burned a valve in #6).
While 5 out of 3500 may look like a small sample, its worth noting
that the question was put to all members via our quarterly
magazine. Given we were asking for "horror stories" the fact that
we got none and DID get 5 positive responses bodes well for Triumph
engines being minimally or not at all affected.
It's a fairly well known situation that people write first to
complain and it is far less likely that those that are
satisfied will ever respond. Having said that, as we did
get 5 responses that said all was well, I'd have expected (if
there was indeed a problem) that we'd have heard from significantly
more than 5 people who did experience unleaded fuel
problems (with TR engines) if there was any common problem.