Gerry writes:
> Also spotted in the same yard were 4 Morris Marinas (I forget what they are
> called in the US), 4 Austin Americas, several Spitfire, Midgets, MGB and 2
> TR7 (which looked driveable).
The Morris Marina in the U.S. was simply the Austin Marina, otherwise known
as "For Sale". :-) It was the successor to the Austin America (known in
England as the Austin 1300), which they imported from 1968 to 1971. Ask the
man who owned one! Still have the Austin America catalog from 1971, too. It
has nice clear explanations of the benefits of disc brakes and hydrolastic
I don't know how long they tried to import the Marina, but I doubt they kept
that up for more than a couple of years at best. I thought it was actually a
nice-looking car, with the body-colored insert in the grille and all, but it
was more suited to the British environment than the American, I think. Those
things would _rust_. I drove a Marina estate in England, where proportionally
it is more of a "big" car, and liked it quite a bit. Very nice carryall and
utility vehicle -- transport the kids _and_ the spare parts at the same time.
-- Andy