Andrew C. Green writes:
ARRRGHH! *splutter* I was _born_ in Loughborough, and I want to go back...
Actually my family lived in Quorn (KwooOOOORN :-), about 3 miles outside
of town. Haven't been back to the area since the early '70's, unfortunately.
Hmmm, I wonder if that's the "Quorn" part of QED(Quorn Engine Developers),
who sell all sorts of blueprinted/hot-rod Lotus engines. Gary, you just gotta
stop by the place and put some goodies into your luggage on return! :-)
The way things are going, Lotus will have folded by the time I'm able to go
for a factory tour. (I couldn't get a tour in '89 due to the prolonged release
of the M-100 Elan). At least I toured the Morgan works. (I know that somebody
rents Morgans...there's a car for you Gary!). Anyways, have fun... It was real
fun for me in '89 driving those roads.
-Bob T.