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Copper Pipe for Heater Hose

Subject: Copper Pipe for Heater Hose
From: decvax!! (Dave Ahrendt)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 93 07:38:47 -0400
Subject: MG-TC Electrical ???

   Hi all!  I'd like to run an electrical problem by you and see
if you have any ideas...

   As long as I've owned my 46 MG-TC I've had a small problem with the 
charging system; normally everything works fine until the headlamps
are turned on.  With the lights on I run at a discharge of about 7 amps.
Lamps off I charge about 2-3 amps or hover around zero during a long run.
The battery has never gone flat even after a couple hours driving at
night with the lamps on.

   Since we're going on a trip up to Nova Scotia after the GOF in
Portland I figured I better look into the problem.  Using the tech
ref. I reset the regulator to spec.  It was set to approx. 13.5 volts
at around 70 degrees.  This was reset to 15.6 volts which was in the
book (I think, book is at home now).  Anyways, the charging seemed
much better.

   I took a fairly long drive Sunday and found a problem.  After a long
run with the lamps off I them turned them on.  As the book mentioned as normal 
the amp meter showed a discharge for a few miles and then started
showing a charge of couple amps.  Great! Except that the ignition started
to stumble only under load.  Just a small miss but bad enough.  Turn
lamps off..miss goes away.  Lamps on..miss comes back after a couple
of minutes.  Repeat until wife gets bored.  At all times the amp meter 
showed either a slight charge or discharge, nothing extreme.

   I'm stumped! Any ideas?? Anyone got some carbide lamps I can borrow?

   Regards,  Dave  

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