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Re: Insurance

Subject: Re: Insurance
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 7 Jun 1993 9:02 EDT
>Bill Sohl ( writes:
>> (Here's more reason to have a good, accurate and recent/updated
>> independent appraisal for any collector vehicle you own).
>Sadly, I must second this. We recently lost TheRedCar in a tragic
>accident, and in addition to much other grief was the relatively
>minor matter that Allstate had no idea how to set the value of
>the car. Their service company in Chicago which supplies prices
>of recent transactions of similar cars proved incompetent at the
>most basic research, requiring much argument, waving of receipts,
>etc. before a settlement was reached.
>My question is: Could someone who has obtained a professional
>appraisal to avoid just such a fiasco please tell us:
>1) Where you found the appraiser -- I tried the Yellow Pages but
>   had difficulty locating one who did _cars_.

Try checking the "servies" section of any issue of Hemmings Motor
News.  Also, the classified section of any issue of "Old Cars Weekly"

>2) What they charged, or what their fee structure is, if any.

Charges vary considerably as well as the final "appraisal" document
you end up with.  I've seen and heard of costs anywhere between $50
on the low end to as much as $150+

(see my unabashed appraisal offer at the end of this message)

>3) Who they are! I think such a list would be a handy FAQ.

They are just  people, often times working for, affiliated with, or the
owners of restoration shops, etc.  There is NO license required to become 
an auto appraiser, nor is there any self governing body/organization of
auto appraisers as there is for some other areas of appraisal work.

Things to keep in mind when looking for an appraiasor is (1) the
acceptability of the appraisal, (2) how well documented is the appraisal,
(3) references from other folks that have had appraisals done (especially
where that appraisal became the basis for a settlement of some type)?


If you own a Triumph and are looking for an appraisal, AND you live
withing about 75 miles or so of Northwest NJ, I have been doing
appraisals for about a year now.  I've appeared in court once for
a "client" and helped another individual get an additional $1000
over what the insurance company was initially offering.  My appraisal
cost $25 plus costs for film and developing (about another $15), plus
a mileage fee (20 cents a mile if I must travel to see the car.)

Bill Sohl (201-691-8116 Home)

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