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Tilley's tires

Subject: Tilley's tires
From: Joe Flake <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 14:51:14 MDT
Nick asked about tires for Tilley the TR6.

I haven't seen too many (any?) replies to the subject this time
around.  I posed the same question to the group about a year ago
and got several suggestions to use 205/70's.  Still haven't bought
tires yet myself, but I keep watching the wear on my Redlines.
I doubt I'll replace them with the same (unless Nick wants to
get rid of HIS remaining redlines and buy something else!).
At shows I keep looking at tires on TR6s and see a wide range
in use, from the readily available 165-15s (VWs, and I think
"proper" for the earlier TRs) which are obviously too little
to a 215/70 which was obviously too big.  To my [untrained] eye
the 205/70's look a bit larger than proper, but the tire charts
say it works out to about the proper diameter.  At the show
the other weekend I saw one with 195/75's which looked ok.  This
doesn't appear to be a common size though.  I think these were
from BF Goodrich.  The autoXers seem to favor 195/60 or /65.  They
have lots of rubber and RPMs on the road be damned!

My understanding of what ought to work is:
        185 (80/82 series) => 195/75  => 205/70 => 215/60
This should keep diameter somewhat in the same range with width going
up as you move to the right.  I don't have access now to the "tire"
program which spits out the charts but I've cranked through it in
the past.  My question is exactly how close a given tire size will
match the chart from tire vendor to tire vendor.  Walking through
a tire store makes it obvious that tread width changes a lot from
brand to brand.

Fitting on the rim and/or in the wheelwell is another story!  I
understand that 205/70 fits fairly well on the TR6 with occasional scrubs.

I saw a note here recently that someone had bought Avons with redlines
added by the folks at British Wire Wheels.  His comments were mostly
about the Avon tires themselves (positive!).  I'd like to know more
about what the added redlines look like.  Could the original poster
add comments or someone else add an opinion?

Regarding the Moss "rim paint"...  I remember seeing a posting
which said there was a matching Ford color which was readily available
at auto shops (Pep Boys, etc) at a much more attractive price. 
Anyone still have that reference?

Joe Flake

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