I would be so concerned w/2-3" of driveshaft freeplay
plus a "clunk" that I would not *even* attempt to drive
the car until I fixed it.
To determine what is at fault, disconnect the
driveshaft from the diff. flange and then rotate each
independently to attempt to cause the clunk. At the
diff, look for a loose flange nut, on the driveshaft
look for the worst u-joint in history. My bet is you'll
find a loose flange nut on the diff, which is
repairable with the diff in the car, but you'll
eventually want to pull it & correctly adj. the
And while I've got you all here, is anyone
planning on going to the Plymouth All-british meet this
weekend ? If so, please e-mail me and we can possibly
hook up. I'll be piloting Redcar up on Saturday am.