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Sagging Midget Springs

Subject: Sagging Midget Springs
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 15:47 EST
Its getting close to that time of year where I suspect most LBCs get
put up on jackstands (at least up in the colder climates...) and
get an annual rebuild of one sort of another....

This winter I planned on rebuilding the kingpins, etc on my 1500
Midget. Yesterday I had it up on an old style, drive-on garage
lift and finally found why the Midget had a pronounced list
to the drivers side....the passenger rear spring had a nice
arc to it while the driver's side rear spring was close to
being perfectly flat.

So much for the idea of refurbishing the front suspension only!
If I have to replace the springs in the back, I guess I might as
well replace the fronts as well....I guess I might as well dig a
little deeper into the wallet (great justification)

My question deals with two issues:

1. If I am going to replace the springs on all four corners, I want
to lower the car. I know I can get the "autocross-type" springs
which will lower the front about 1" or so, but what do I do about
the rear? Is there a kit to lower the rears on a 1500? (victoria
has one, but it seems to be only for the pre-1500 models).

2. Who has good deals on springs?


Ric Golen

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