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Subject: Vibrations
From: danb@wv.MENTORG.COM (Daniel Boughton)
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1992 14:05:31 -0800
When I bought my 67 sprite it had a vibration which would start at about
45mph and shake your teeth out.  After taking to to several places I took
it to a guy who raced sprites.  He told me to check the nut on the imput
flange for the diff.  It was loose, I tightened it, vibration went away.

For the guy looking for an inexpensive LBC:

I'm 6 feet tall and fit in all of the sprites.  If you get one with the
half shell seats then you have a bit more room.  The main problem is big
feet and boots.  I can wear boots in my 64 but not in my 67.  My knees run
into the dash.  Sneakers work fine.

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