>From the 11/8 Boston Globe:
Jaguar XKE, 1964 Coupe, not rusted out, not running. $3500.
617-335-6955; 617-331-4827
Jaguar XKE, '66 conver., maroon w/black, not orig eng. $15K
TRIUMPH, 1971 TR6 good frame, good body, runs, $1100.
ans mach. Call 508-388-6656
1958 MGA rlrb eng, $1500/bo. `61 MG Midget, $550/bo 617-965-1779
The last ad was 1700/700 last week, and is the sole surviving LBC ad
from the last batch I posted. The TR6 looks like a good deal...I'd
check it out myself if I wasn't totally spooked about swing axles
by all the tales of woe I read here.
timd@ptltd.com (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass)