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Hello and 2 questions

Subject: Hello and 2 questions
From: jpe1@PL122f.EECS.Lehigh.EDU (John.)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 09:12:30 -0500
Hello!  I've been reading here for just a few days and already I've learned
some neat stuff (the correct pronunciation of Jaguar notwithstanding) and I
look forward to reading lots more.  I've never owned anything exotic (unless
you count my Stylus with its "handling by Lotus" as being exotic) but now that
I have my own house the 'rents can't stop me!  Ever since I got to ride in
an MG when I was in 8th grade, I have wanted a a sexy little convertible to
tool around in.  Which leads me to my first question:  At about that time
(8th grade) I started watching the British TV show _The_Prisoner_.  What
was the car that John Drake drove in the opening sequence?  I think it was
a Lotus of some kind, but I'm not sure.
Second question:  I'm going to be looking at a '76 Spitfire this weekend, and
in case I fall totally in love with it, what should I know so that there is 
some hope that I can talk myself out of buying it.  The seller is asking $3700.
I have no other meaningful info, other than that it is red.

Much thanks,

(I'm only including this .sig once for reference; not again)
John Early                             |             |  I was just a child then;                 |  now I'm only a man.  [pf]        |              |

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