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TR6 hydraulics

Subject: TR6 hydraulics
From: (Fred Ki)
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 13:31:46 PST
Much appreciations to TJ (, Roger ( and
others who gave accurate diagnosis and practical suggestions on my TR6 clutch
m/c problem.  To recap, in overhauling my 6's clutch m/c & following
directions in manual, I stepped on pedal after re-assembly (bleeding done)
and the thinga just didn't return!  Both TJ & Roger said something
fundamental must be wrong -- that thing is just too simple not to work,
Brit-car temperament notwithstanding ;->

So, w/o telling wife that I may have a $100 order placed w/ hobby shop soon,
I took out the m/c for one more try before placing the 800 number call.

Lo-&-behold, the problem stared me at the face as soon as piston, spring
assembly were withdrawn.  You know, in the overhaul kit, you got a few
rubber rings/gaskets of various sizes (BTW, never know what the biggest
rubber ring is for; I just put it around the m/c filler neck -- looks ugly
and pretty purposeless!  Not shown in Bentley!  Any clues out there?).
You also got an almost weightless, thin stainless steel ring to put between
tip of piston and the plastic, yellow cup-thing, right?  That ring somehow
managed to squeeze thru cup, not forming a seal at end of m/c bore.  Therefore
no closed system for hydraulic ... etc.  The rest was easy, used toothbrush
to clean varnish inside m/c (no honing), re-assembly, bleed, job done.

Summary: 1) Don't ignore small, almost weightless thing.
         2) When manual says careful reassembly, it means it.
         3) This net is great!  (one last use of !)

Bye bye.

Fred Ki 

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