With all this talk about thermostats and cooling
capacity coming at the time I'm rebuilding the Riley's
water pump, (still going !), I thought to toss in
something I just noticed and thought a bit odd;
-The original thermostat on this car did not restrict
the water flow at all when cold, rather it allowed a portion
of the water to return to the pump housing. As the
water warmed up, the bellows expanded, pushing a "hat"
upward, cutting off this return loop and allowing the
water to only circulate in one loop. Unfortunately the
TC thermostat operates differently, restricting the
water when cold, allowing it to pass when warm, and
allowing it to pass thru the bypass all the time. We'll
have to see how well this works. The Riley Owner's
Club suggests fabricating a copper restriction plate to
place between the bypass tube & thermostat housing to
aid the water flow. Has anyone else ever seen a system
operate like this ? (by design ;-)
-Water pump update; fiddled with it most of the
weekend, managed to get all of the parts (with
exception of the housing which is still at the
welders), stripped, etched, primed & painted, when a
case of shipwright's disease overtook me and I began
disassembling other various unrelated components to
clean & check them. Managed to get the far side engine
side panel off for better access to the oil cannister,
carb & fuel pump. R & R'd the drain petcocks, removed
the PO-installed heater hoses, correctly routed the
fuel pump line and temp sending unit, .....
Hey, it's starting to look proper !!
mo' later-