> While dropping in a replacement gearbox into my 1980 Spitfire, I
> decided to replace the clutch plate as well. I finally got the
> ...
> With the clutch depressed, I can't turn the tranny drive shaft by
> hand (though I can easily in neutral). Worse yet, when the engine
> is cranked, the drive shaft turns too! The clutch appears to be
I had this same problem when I put together my first Spitfire trans and engine.
followed the instructions in the Haynes manual verbatim. This occurs because
the clutch disc springs (anti-chatter springs?) are not symmetrical, sticking
one side more than the other. If you install the clutch backwards these will
engage the flywheel bolts. In the end this serves to directly connect your
shaft to the flywheel. In the future, to avoid this, hold the clutch disc in
on the flywheel and try to spin it. If it is free, you've got it in right, if
isn't, swap it around. I also recommend replacing the throw out bearing,
plate, and disc at once unless you are very sure they are in excellent shape.
not fun to get into the bellhousing as I'm sure you are aware