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Re: Jag Oil Changes

Subject: Re: Jag Oil Changes
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1992 16:42:07 CDT
Jerry ( writes:
> Suppose you brazed on a block of metal near the cannister bottom, right where
> it starts to curve in towards the bolt.  Then you drill and tap the hole for a
> drain plug.  No more oil coursing over your arm while you turn that
> intermitably long 9/16" bolt through the middle!

Sigh... Look, have you got twin fuel tanks? Good. Now then:

1) Install butterfly valve in place of drain plug. Attach Bowden cable (like
   on heater controls) to actuator lever of valve. Route cable to push-pull
   knob (such as Choke control) on dash.

2) Empty one fuel tank of petrol, reroute its fuel line to the dipstick tube,
   and install electric windshield washer pump in-line. Fill that tank with
   motor oil.

3) When oil-change time is due, proceed briskly to nearest motorway. While
   operating at 70 mph or higher, pull knob to open oil drain petcock and 
   simultaneously press button on dash to pump fresh oil into dipstick tube.
   When trail of oil streaming out behind car is a clean color, release
   oil pumper button and press knob to close drain petcock.

NOTE: It may take some practice to ensure that fresh oil is pumped in at the
      same rate that the old oil is being drained onto the motorway. If you
      notice that the engine has seized, you may want to decrease the rate
      of draining oil.

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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