Tim Dziechowski writes>
>I did the interior of my 79 Midget over last year, and thought that Vicky's
>full interior kit (then costing ~$1200, recently reduced) was overpriced.
>I shopped around and got most of the same stuff from Bob & Bob at Foreign
>Parts Unlimited in Somerville, Mass (617-776-4344) for about half that.
I think they have a toll-free number: (800) 255-5883
Their address is:
Foreign Parts Unlimited
352 Washington Street
Somerville, MA O2143
I was also told that they have the best prices on E Z Bleed pressure-bleeding
kits for brakes.
Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans Street, Saint Paul, MN 55107-2676
h (612) 224-3105 w (612) 298-5324 phile@pwcs.stpaul.gov
"The workingman's GT-40" - Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman