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snakefest POSTPONED!!!!

Subject: snakefest POSTPONED!!!!
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 92 09:45:29 pdt
So far every response to my suggestion of Friday for a South Bay lunch
time get-together has been negative so I'm postponing until next week.
While I'm at it I'm going to change the place too.  As much as I'd like
to check out the Britannia Arms, I think it's a bit too far off the
beaten track for most of us to get to on our lunch hour.  No choice of
time and place will please everybody but a bit more notice should help
and the Duke of Edinburgh has better freeway access and tons of parking.
We can also eat out-of-doors if we're amind.  New time and place follow:

                Date: Thursday, Oct 1
                Place: Duke of Edinburgh
                       1081 N. Wolfe Rd

         -----------------------||----------------------- Homestead Rd
                                ||W                    .
                                ||o                   /|\
                                ||l                    |
                                ||f                  NORTH 
               Shopping         ||     HP Cupertino
               Center           ||R
                  ||            ||
                  | ------------||---------------------- Pruneridge
                  ||            ||
                  ||   Duke     ||
                        of      ||
                     Edinburgh  ||
                 10801 N. Wolfe ||
 <--San Francisco               ||exit here<--             San Jose---->
                    -->exit here||
                  Vallco        ||
                  Park          ||
                  Shopping      ||
                  Mall          ||
----------------------------------------------------Stevens Creek Bl

Exit 280 on Wolfe Road heading north.  Pruneridge is the first light
you'll come to; turn left there.  Pruneridge dead-ends in a shopping
center, go the left.

Roland Dudley

P.S.  The compass direction on the map may seem incorrect to some of you
      but keep in mind that 280 and 101 basically run east and west at 
      the south end of the Bay.

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