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Darn that Roland.... NOT!

Subject: Darn that Roland.... NOT!
From: "Eric Olson" <>
Date: 22 Sep 92 05:46:34 EST
Confession:  before becoming a LBC owner ('80 Spit) I was into
"Detroit Iron" with a vengeance -- owning a Dodge Charger w/ 360
Interceptor, '69 and '70 Mustangs with 302 & 351, and a Chevelle SS
at different times.

Roland's recent posts about driving his Cobra have re-kindled my lust
for POWER!  (Keep 'em coming, please!)  Of course, the fact that the
Spitfire has <70HP doesn't help, either.

So... what I really need is a FBC (FAST British Car)... but I
certainly can't afford a Snake of my own :-(  Any recommendations
that you folks can offer would be greatly appreciated!  I really love
the handling of a lbc roadster, but miss raw unadulterated
acceleration.  (Some people never grow up :-)  The only Britcars I've
ever driven are TR7, Spitfire, MG Midget, MGB (all late '70s models).
I'm sure that something must fit the bill, and that one of you knows

Thanks in advance,

Eric Olson
University of Florida

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