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re: prince of deafness: cassette player static

Subject: re: prince of deafness: cassette player static
From: sabbott@NMSU.Edu
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 92 09:50:33 MDT
>Hi All,
>I don't know if this is proper LBC question or not, but here is our
>problem:  We hear lots of static pops and crackles from our cassette
>player when our car is *running*.  When the car is turned off, we hear
>no static.  It also seems that the popping intensifies the longer we
>drive as if there is some sort of charge buildup (i.e. it's not bad for
>the first few blocks).  When the player is rewinding, there is no
>static.  I can't tell you what happens when the cassette player is off
>but the radio is on because this is a Radio Shack cassette-player-only
>pullout stereo.  

I have found the cheapo stereos to pick up noise very easily.  I have
a cheapo stereo and the noise was really bad, I put a 150,000 uF
capacitor across it, one of those beasts found in a computer power
supply.  It is the size of a tall boy beer can.  I strapped it on the
passenger side of the car and when a neophyte rides with me they
invariably ask 'whats this thing?';I tell them,'just don't touch it!'


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