OK, OK, not stupidity but mayby crazy. I just sold my 1976
Jag XJS and my 1976 Jag XJ6L! However, cash in hand, there
is a 1957 Jag MkVII for sale...
I know there are lots of Jag owners out there including a
couple of dozen or so named Scott Fisher. Now for the
tricky part: Are there any SOLers driving old Jags?
I remember the Buja (sp?) Damlier - 1966 or 67 as I recall.
But how about the older Jags? 50's or older?
Please help me waste my money. You know, this stuff is
like love; It makes no sense. Certainly not when it's
involved with iron, aluminum, leather and grease but making
sense is not what it's about...
Yours misty eyed again,
Richard O. Lindsay / __ __ __ __
Senior Research Scientist / / /_/ /_ / / /_/ /_/
Amoco Production Research / / / / /_/ /_/ / / / \
/ /_/
My opinions are my own, untill they're worth something, at
which point they become the property of my employer...