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Re: British car meet in Denver

Subject: Re: British car meet in Denver
From: southern@neit.cgd.ucar.EDU (Lawrence Buja)
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 10:22:19 MDT
Kevin writes....
}Is any one else planning on attending the Brit Meet this sunday the 20.
}I will be there with the Triumph 1800 (green) and the TR4A (red).  I had
}planned on bringing the Land Rover but it just isn't running well enough.  I
}am not familliar with the new location so I don't have any great suggestions
}for a mini SOL convention.  Look for me around the 1800 in the Triumph

It looks like a group of us front-range SOLers will be there.  Plans are
to meet at the Rolls-Royce section at noon and those who want can break
for a picnic lunch together. 

(Kevin- Is obsolete now?  I have you listed
as that on the front-range list and it hasn't been bouncing.  I've changed
it to
/\      Lawrence Buja           Climate and Global Dynamics Division
  \_][  National Center for Atmospheric Research

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