I'll probably be in Jaguar de-bug mode for a couple more weeks yet
so please forgive the frequency of trivial posts :-)
After a run in my XJ6-III and the thing is sitting there cooling down
I can hear a hissing sound coming form somewhere under/close to the
heat sheild that covers the exhaust manifold. It sounds more like a
sucking hiss (no liquid sounds tho, just gass) rather than a blowing
hiss. I'll pull it apart on the week-end and am fishing for suggestions.
The EGR (Exhaust Gass Return) valve that sticks out of the heat-sheild
is my primany suspect...but the sound seems forward of the EGR valve
toward the frint end of the manifold cover...Hmmmmmm
It's not coming from the air-con system nor any cooling pipes (radiator etc).
Thanks in advance
#2 Scott.
Scott Fisher [scott@psy.uwa.oz.au] PH: Aus [61] Perth (09) Local (380 3272).
_--_|\ N
Department of Psychology / \ W + E
University of Western Australia. Perth --> *_.--._/ S
Nedlands, 6009. PERTH, W.A. v
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