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Re: high oil pressure in TR6

Subject: Re: high oil pressure in TR6
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 12:18:55 -0400
R. Kevin Riggs scribed:
> I think the greatest danger, if there is any problem at all, would
> be degradation of the oil under high pressure.

Ah, but the oil is under a heck of a lot more pressure when it's being
squished between the crank & a bearing, fer instance. So, we're not
worried about the oil breaking down. Components of the system & seals
are another story tho.

Anything above an 80-90 psi reading is at least unusual for an LBC, and
may warrent examination. The relief valve is usually designed to open at
something like 80 psi.

  /___  _  \        Roger Garnett              (
 /|   ||  \ \       Agricultural Economics   | "The South Lansing Centre 
| |___||  _  |      3 Warren Hall            |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \  |   | |      Cornell University       | (Lansing, NY)
 \|  \ |__/ /       Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/        (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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