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Re: Understeer/Tire Inflation

Subject: Re: Understeer/Tire Inflation
From: (Frans Lichtenberg)
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 11:48:26 -0400
        You are rigth with Napolion. He did't liked the English. They was at
war, remember so he just wanted to be different. The Japanise are stiklers
for traditions like the the briths. They stayed in the left side. A little
storie about the left and the rigth side from Denmark. When king Edward VI
was visiting his inlaws (King Cristian IX of Denmark) he had to drive in
rigth side and he had a hard time ajusting. Denmark had switch to the rigth
side late last sentury with the rest of europa. King Edward VI was considered
a holy terro when driving on the danish roads and after killing a cow and 
later a women he was not aloud to drive an automobil any more in Denmark.
The horn is not used as mush in Englang because in Englang you drive like
a gentelman, and that you have from a dane.

        Frans Lichtenberg

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