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Subject: Eeeek!!!
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1992 10:02:42 CDT
I can't believe I am posting this message. However...

One of our cars has been invaded by spiders.

We were happily motoring home last night at approx. 70 mph when something
scuttled across my field of vision. In the darkness combined with glare
of oncoming headlights (fortunately there is a median barrier), it took
us a while to determine that (1) a spider was walking across the INSIDE
of the windshield, and (2) s/he just disappeared down one of the defroster
ducts before my wife could get a Kleenex (tm) out. Shortly thereafter,
another one appeared, also on the windshield, and was summarily discharged
from the premises. A few weeks ago, one was seen IN MY ODOMETER. I have no
reason to assume that there aren't a lot more.

These are medium-brown thingys about one inch or so in size; in the field
of spider design, they are routine production models. The car is parked
outside under a tree and I assume they got in through ductwork or something.
So, how can I get rid of them? A bug bomb? That seems a bit much for such
a confined space. A can of Raid is tempting but I don't like spraying liquid
chemicals around the car for cleaning and electrical reasons. Whatever I
spray in there, I may end up breathing in concentration, I'd think; the
car is driven almost daily. Any advice would be most appreciated.

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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