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Re: Snake Update

Subject: Re: Snake Update
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 92 08:32:57 -0700
Use a general purpose water resistant grease.  There should be no movement
between a mounted wheel and the hub splines.  There will be some heat
from the tyres and the breaks. There will be water from washing the car,
condensation, and the occasional "opps its starting to rain".  The purpose of
the grease is to allow you to remove the wheel, not to reduce wear or reduce
friction of rotating parts.

The hubs may get hot enough on a race car to require high temp. grease, but
I do not think temperatures get high enough on a street car to require high
temperature grease.

What is more important than the type of grease, is usung it, and replacing
it every 6 months (You do want to be able to get the tyre off when you get a
flat in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere). Clean the splines
every six months when you replace the grease.  Please do not wait 28 years.

Why to you think they call wire wheels high maintenence items?

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