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TR7 rotors (and other elliptical shapes)

To: (british cars mailing list)
Subject: TR7 rotors (and other elliptical shapes)
From: Gregory T Fieldson <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1992 21:21:20 -0400
More fun from one SOL...

After a visit to my favorite mechanic, with my favorite car ('78 TR7), I 
came away with a question that some of you may be able to help with...

I dropped off my car to get the front end aligned (haven't got the tools
yet myself...) and found that my alignment is OK, but:
my tires are dead (I knew this, sort of). No big deal, I can beg enough to
put some tires on.  I'm probably going to put on 185/70 - 13 Dunlop SP4s.
I don't race the car, and I'm not a rich man (I'm a grad student in fact),
does anyone have better tire suggestions?

my brake rotors are out of round.  Hmm.  I put on remanufactured calipers
sometime this spring, and a new rotor on one corner.  Problematic, but the
real question is that the mechanic (who is not a true lbc guy, but very
good, honest, experienced and cheap) told me that his references say to
discard the rotors at .373 inches, that mine were .377 and .333(!).  
The Bentley reprint of shop manual says the rotor should be .375 .  Was
there a running change that the shop manual doesn't show?  I would like
to know what the rotors should be so I can tell him.  I have noticed one
difference between the manual and the car, namely the tire size, which
manual calls 175/70-13, while reprints of magazines state that the size
was changed to 185/70-13 in 1977 model year...

On a more positive note, the car is running well, it shimmies at 50mph, 
a speed that I don't use much, and the past weekend (around Balt/Wash ) was 
definite roof open weather (it's a coupe with sunroof).  

New tires by Friday or bust!

Greg Fieldson             Dept of Chemical Engineering
"The red TR7 in Balt./Wash, with the    The Johns Hopkins University
custom 2-tone headlamps, that's me!"    Baltimore, Maryland  21218 

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